Delta Foremost Chemical Corp.
Salesperson Name Salesperson Number Salesperson Email Customer Phone Number
Buyer Email (Order Copy) Invoice Y/N Accounts Payable Email (Invoice Copy) Same as Buyer
Company Name & Shipping Address
Company Name Attention: (First & Last Name)
Street Address City State Zip
Billing Address (Same as shipping address unless specified)
Company Name Attention:
Street Address City State Zip
Shipping Details / Purchase Order
Order Date Shipping Date Purchase Order Number Route Freight Terms
Please Select one of the options Above
Product Order(s)
Product Name Product Number
Quantity Size Unit Pack Price Extension
* Plus Applicable Freight & Sales Tax

Merchandise Total: 0

Special Instructions
Please leave any additional notes here
Optional Email CC
Credit Card Information.
Name on Credit Card Credit Card User (Buyer)
Credit Card Type Credit Card Number Expiration Date Verification Code
Credit References 
Is this an approved national account? Yes
Is account on leads site? Yes
Are we selling other locations? Yes
If yes, where?
References To Setup Open Billing
Bank City State PO Required?
Open Billing Vendors  --- No COD Vendors
Name Vendor Account # Phone #
Email Address City State Zip
Name Vendor Account # Phone #
Email Address City State Zip
Name Vendor Account # Phone #
Email Address City State Zip
Internal Instructions 

Delta Foremost No Nonsense Guarantee!

On initial orders, Foremost products are subject to a trial period, for 30 days from date of invoice. Should the merchandise not prove satisfactory within this time period, simply notify our home office, for authorization to return. Your cost will be limited only to the amount of merchandise actually used, and return freight. No credit will be allowed on contaminated products. Equipment is supported by the manufacturer's warranty and is not included in this guarantee. No other guarantee, either expressed or implied, will apply to merchandise covered by this order. No products are consigned, but are invoiced when shipped, subject to above.

Terms & Conditions

* Customer agrees to pay a late charge on past due balances of 1-1/2% per month or maximun rate allowed in customers state of residence.
* Whichever is less, and the reasonable cost of collection including attorney's fees.
* This order is subject to the acceptance of Delta Foremost Chemical Corp. Memphis, TN.
* Payment Terms - Net 30 Days / Credit Card at Time of Purchase

Customer Signature / I agree to the above Terms & Conditions
Sales Representative Signature